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“清河之光”论坛是由爱彩彩票游戏 - 爱彩彩票开奖直播 - 广州中山大学主办的高层次学术交流活动,着眼于研讨本所相关科技领域以及交叉学科领域的最...

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第七十期:Computational lensless multicore fiber endoscopy using deep learning and wavefront shaping
信息来源: 发布时间: 2023年08月10日 【 】 【打印】 【关闭
报告人: Prof. Juergen W Czarske TU Dresden, Germany
报告题目: Computational lensless multicore fiber endoscopy using deep learning and wavefront shaping
报告时间: 2023年8月11日 10:00
报告地点: 溢智厅

报告人简介 报告简介 本期论坛海报 本期论坛简讯


    Juergen W Czarske (Fellow EOS, OPTICA, SPIE, IET, IOP, Senior Member IEEE) is director, full chair professor and senator of the Excellence University TU Dresden, Germany. He is director of Competence Center Biomedical Computational Laser Systems (BIOLAS) and advisor of SPIE-OPTICA-Student Chapter Dresden. Juergen is an international prize-winning inventor of laser-based technologies. His awards include the 2008 Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize of Trumpf Laser Systems, 2019 OPTICA Joseph-Fraunhofer-Award/Robert-M.-Burley-Prize, 2020 Laser Instrumentation Award of IEEE Photonics Society, 2020 and 2021 SPIE Community Champion for volunteer activities, and 2022 SPIE Chandra S Vikram Award. Juergen has conducted more than 1000 talks and papers, including more than 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals, over 150 invited talks and over 30 patents. He is Vice President of International Commission for Optics, ICO, and was the general chair of the world congress ICO-25-OWLS-16-Dresden-Germany-2022 with 3 Nobel laureates and participants from 55 countries of 5A (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Amazing Europe).

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主办:爱彩彩票 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)