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“清河之光”论坛是由爱彩彩票游戏 - 爱彩彩票开奖直播 - 广州中山大学主办的高层次学术交流活动,着眼于研讨本所相关科技领域以及交叉学科领域的最...

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第六十八期:Compression of femtosecond laser pulses using self-phase modulation: from Kilowatts to Petawatts over 40 years
信息来源: 发布时间: 2023年06月09日 【 】 【打印】 【关闭
报告题目: Compression of femtosecond laser pulses using self-phase modulation: from Kilowatts to Petawatts over 40 years
报告时间: 2023年6月13日 15:00
报告地点: 溢智厅

报告人简介 报告简介 本期论坛海报 本期论坛简讯


    Efim A. Khazanov is a physicist-experimenter specializing in the field of laser physics and nonlinear optics. His main scientific results concern solid-state lasers with record high peak power as well as laser with high average power.

    E.A. Khazanov is author of a number of key ideas underlying the creation of a compact petawatt femtosecond laser based on an optical parametric amplifier created at IAP RAS. The electron and proton laser-plasma acceleration as well as laboratory astrophysics experiments were demonstrated with this laser. Khazanov proposed and implemented in experiment nonlinear-optical methods for controlling the parameters of ultrahigh power lasers, including several-fold increase in the radiation power due to nonlinear pulse compression.

    Efim Khazanov is founder of a new scientific direction – the thermo-optics of magnetically active media. He obtained pioneering results and created magneto-active devices that work at average laser radiation power almost three orders of magnitude higher than before. Currently, these devices are successfully used in many laboratories around the world, including the LIGO and VIRGO laser gravitational wave detectors.

版权所有 ©2009 爱彩彩票游戏 - 爱彩彩票开奖直播 - 广州中山大学 沪ICP备05015387号
主办:爱彩彩票 上海市嘉定区清河路390号(201800)